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    Story Telling : Story Board Project

    Teacher Name: Ms. Williams

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

The main characters are named and clearly described (through words and/or actions). The audience knows and can describe what the characters look like and how they typically behave.
The main characters are named and described (through words and/or actions). The audience has a fairly good idea of what the characters look like.
The main characters are named. The audience knows very little about the main characters.
It is hard to tell who the main characters are.
Lots of vivid, descriptive words are used to tell the audience when and where the story takes place.
Some vivid, descriptive words are used to tell the audience when and where the story takes place.
The audience can figure out when and where the story took place, but there isn\'t much detail (e.g., once upon a time in a land far, far away).
The audience has trouble telling when and where the story takes place.
It is very easy for the audience to understand what problem the main character(s) face and why it is a problem.
It is fairly easy for the audience to understand what problem the main character(s) face and why it is a problem.
It is fairly easy for the audience to understand what problem the main character(s) face and but it is not clear why it is a problem.
It is not clear what problem the main character(s) face.
Solution to Problem in Story
The solution to the problem is easy-to-understand and is logical. There are no loose ends.
The solution to the problem is easy-to-understand and is somewhat logical.
The solution to the problem was a little hard to understand.
No solution was attempted or it was impossible to understand.
The student uses consistent voices, facial expressions and movements to make the characters more believable and the story more easily understood.
The student often uses voices, facial expressions and movements to make the characters more believable and the story more easily understood.
The student tries to use voices, facial expressions and movements to make the characters more believable and the story more easily understood.
The student tells the story but does not use voices, facial expressions or movement to make the storytelling more interesting or clear.
Tells story more than 6 panels.
Tells story in 6 panels.
Tells story less than 6 panels.
Tells story less than 3 panels.
Story covers more than one current or upcoming social studies standards.
Story covers a current or upcoming social studies standard.
Story covers a current or upcoming standard.
Story does not cover any educational standard.

Date Created: Oct 29, 2016 06:35 pm (CDT)

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